Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sometimes you create your own opportunities

Almost three years ago, I decided that I wanted to teach part time for the business school. Employment opportunities in this town are limited, especially if you do not have a PhD or are related to someone by marriage twice removed.

Because I didn't have any teaching experience, it was tougher to convince the university to hire me, even to fill in the classes nobody wants. So, I created a plan. In order to convince the business department to hire me, I need to have the experience of teaching and teaching evaluations.

I needed to find a way to convince someone to let me teach even though I didn't have teaching experience. I proposed the class I'm currently teaching because I knew I could convince the university to let me teach this class. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. Since I was not a faculty member, I had to work 3 times as hard to convince the committee that I was capable of teaching the class I proposed.

The other week, I met with the Dean of the Business School. Her area of expertise matches my interest and I needed some input into a couple of class lectures. I mentioned my 'create an opportunity' plan to her - that I was doing this so I could eventually teach part time for her. I told her I was doing this to get experience so I would have a proven record.

Next week I'm meeting with the Dean and the Assistant Dean at their request. I look forward to learning what they have to say. At this point, I can't leave my current job, so whatever they are proposing has to fit with my current workload.

Wish me luck, I'll update next week.


Anonymous said...

As we say around here... bon chance!

Kelly said...

Good luck! Its not easy to hear someone evaluate your performance, but knowing you, it will be great!