Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday Six

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc.

Sarah, my 6 y.o. played with me.

1. What is a Valentine?
Something that you give somebody to show them how much you love them.

2. How many Valentines should one person have?
Tons, I mean lots.

3. What makes a nice Valentines present?
Candy hearts

4. Who or what is Cupid?
Humm, I don't know.

5. What does it mean to be in love?
That you love somebody alot?

6. Which color do you like better, red or pink?

(Sarah says: "Happy Valentine's, I love you.")

Have a great week! Did you play? Let Kelly know.


Kami said...

Yes, we should have LOTS of Valentines. ;)

I played.

Anonymous said...

I played!

Kelly said...

Candy hearts - my favorite! Great job Sarah! :)

Brighton said...

Too cute Sarah! I'll have to get my kids answers to these : )