Thursday, April 20, 2006

Making Lemonade out of Lemons

The other week, our campus celebrated sexual diversity day. I'm not sure the "proper" name, but it was to celebrate Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transexuals. There is an on campus group that supports these students. Additionally, many faculty and staff wore t-shirts with "Straight people supporting Gays" or something to that effect.

As part of this day, messages were written in chalk on the sidewalks in support of this group. Writing messages in chalk on the sidewalk announcing activities, etc is popular here - especially in the fall and spring when there is no snow.

In protest for these, some members of the community (it is unknown if they are related to the college or the town) felt it necessary to write messages around campus in chalk threatening this group. These were not just "I don't like Gay's" messages, but that Gay's must die. It was viewed by the administration as not just free speech, but a direct threat.

I'm having a hard time determining where I think the line is between free speech and threats. And, is the line different when you are talking about a body of students rather than a group of community members as a result of the code of conduct that students sign.

I am glad the University was decisive and quick action in their statements supporting this group and criticizing those who attacked them in writing.

Someone came up with a great idea early this week. It was to 'write something positive' on the sidewalk in chalk. Chalk was passed from person to person and the sidewalks were filled with "I love my Big Sister" and "My chip didn't break when I got Salsa" to "YIPPEE the semester is almost over." The point of the messages was not to support any group, but just to be silly and fill the sidewalks with positive messages.

I <3 the person who created this idea.


Rachel said...

I like that last idea too... more more constructive

Fantastagirl said...

I like that last idea too... positive attitudes towards other in general is always a good idea.