Sunday, April 16, 2006

The things you think of when laying in bed at 6:30 am.

My alarm goes off - yes, I tend to try to get up on weekends - and I'm debating the wake up or go back to sleep.

In the waiting up side - I need to exercise before the kids wake up. We are having company for dinner, I need to clean up some (they are not the kind of company that needs a perfectly clean house). Oh shit, I forgot to put out the Easter Baskets.

Thankfully, I managed to get the basket assembled 5 minutes before Sydney woke up.

I can't believe I forgot to do this last night. Oh wait, now I remember, they didn't go to sleep until almost 10:00.

Happy Easter. Happy Passover. Check later for Sunday Six.


Anonymous said...

Thank you and to you guys!

Kami said...

Dude. How screwed would you have been if the EB had skipped your house? OMG!