Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Way Back Wednesday

Once again, it's Way Back Wednesday brought to us by the lovely Kept Woman. Today, she wanted to see pics of our pre-born selves. Unfortunately, until I go home for the summer, I don't have too many pictures of my pre-marriage days. So, you will have to settle for a couple of pictures of me.

Here is me and Sarah one day while I was pregnant with the kid who became Sydney. I was around 36 weeks in these two pictures.

Here is my attempt at an art photo of us. DH isn't as good as this, but he tried.

Did you play? Let me know so I can check out pictures of people who actually follow the rules. LOL


Anonymous said...

We did the professional photos and have a similar pic of the kissed belly! Great pic!

I played this week,

Jana said...

Great pictures! I didn't exactly follow the rules, either, but I played!

Anonymous said...

I love the second shot! My hubs isn't good about artys shots either...zooming in is apparently something he's never heard of.

Kelly said...

It doesn't seem like that long ago! :) Wow! Great photos!

Unknown said...

No belly shots of me. None will ever exist! Nice pose though.