Sunday, April 09, 2006

Random Thoughts on Sunday - Six and others.

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know.

Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6 yrs) and Sydney (SK - age 3 yrs) the Sunday 6. I asked Sarah first, with Sydney out of the room (although she came over as Sarah said she wanted to be a train driver) then I asked Sydney the questions while Sarah was there.

1. What planet do you live on?

SK: Mommy, let me go see on my place mat (she has a solar system placemat). This one (points to Mercury) [Me, no, that's Mercury.] ok, this one (points to Pluto) [Me, no, that's Pluto, it's the coldest one.] This one (points to earth). [Me, yes, that's the one.]

SB: Earth

2. What happens if you don't eat all your dinner?

SK: I couldn't get dessert.

SB: Don't get dessert

3. What happens when you are sick?

SK: You go to the doctor.

SB: You have to stay home (That's a good answer, you have having such good answers. Sydney, you look so grown up.)

4. What makes a rainbow?

SK: You go through the rainbow (as she drew the path with her finger.

SB: Rain

5. Do you know everything there is to know?

SK: No. I didn't know a couple of things.

SB: No.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

SK: Mommy, and I want to be a train driver.

SB: A train driver


Friday, I bought myself a present. I found out that I could upgrade my cell phone plan to the digital network without increasing my monthly fee. So, that meant I needed a new phone. Now, I use my cell rarely. There are months that I don't use minutes. As a result, my phone needed to be upgraded. I decided that I might as well buy a camera phone as it was on special. As you all know, if you read Friday's SPF, I don't have a digital camera. So, this was a compromise until I budget for a camera. Now, to buy the cable so I can download my pictures.

Yesterday morning, I was sitting in a hotel reading blogs and drinking coffee. Today, I'm back to screaming kids fighting over toys. So far it's taken me 30 minutes to write this. I enjoyed my break from the family - I suspect I would have missed them eventually!! LOL.

I'm going to finish my coffee and try to catch up with you all. Make sure you let me know if you played so I can make sure I've checked out your answers.


Kami said...

Ah, a train driver!!

Kelly said...

I really need to find a solar system place mat! At least Jack knew it was earth, but it would be cool to show him "where" Great answers!

Happy Sunday!

MommyOutOfControl said...

Good answers! So hard with two of them! Tough dessert! LOL. We played. Happy Sunday Six!

Fantastagirl said...

Great answers - you have some smart little ones!!

Anonymous said...

Classic as usual! We played!