Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday Six, what is your holiday.

"Sunday Six!" is a game where Kelly asks us to have six questions answered. Remember, the idea is to post answers to the following six question, but the trick is to get your kids to answer them! If you don't have kids, use your imagination... Your pet, your neighbor, your elderly family member, your roommate, etc. Did you play? Let me and Kelly know.

Today I was able to ask Sarah (SB - age 6 yrs) and Sydney (SK - age 3 yrs) the Sunday 6. I asked Sydney first so she was not influenced by her big sister's answers. Here they are:

"What's Your Holiday?"

1. What is Passover?

SK: When you sleep in your sleeping bag and your blanket

SB: When you pass over something?

2. Why do people celebrate Easter?

SK: No, I want the sleepover one again - I want Sister to answer.

SB: When Jesus comes alive again.

3. What is a Seder?

SK: I want sister to answer.

SB: Something that goes in outerspace.

4. Where does the Easter Bunny live?

SK: In the book.

SB: In a hole.

5. What is Matzah Ball Soup? (And if you know, do you like it?)

SK: I don't know.

SB: It's just a kind of soup we eat (actually we don't).

6. What do you do with Easter Eggs?

SK: I want sister to do it.

SB: Hide them or dye them.
Now we have to go to Spikey's because Sarah wants me to read "The Boy's" answers. I wouldn't read them until after we answered ours.

Did you play, let me know. (don't forget to check my next post so see what my morning was like!)


Kami said...

I just love their Passover answers. Makes me miss our Jewish neighbors. They had all the neighborhood kids over for EVERY holiday so they could learn this stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

With our families I feel like we are from outerspace! LOL

Glad Sarah approves.. she can ask anything she wants! ;)

Have a wonderful holiday guys!

We played as you know

Tammy said...

I like SK's answers. I want sister to do it!

SB is so very smart.

Kelly said...

Passover/Sleepover - same thing! ;)

Happy EAster

MommyOutOfControl said...

Good answers girls. We played (finally...a little too much drama here today!)