Sunday, March 26, 2006

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

On March 24, 1979, my Dad (ok, step-dad) married us (my mom, sister and I). My parents added a Quaker Wedding Covenant to their ceremony, having all the guests sign in support of their marriage. It was something my DH and I did for our wedding. It hangs in our living room as a visible reminder of the promise we made, much as it has for my parents. As we were looking for words to add to our own covenant, we could find none that expressed our feelings as well as the words my parents used.

"I am married to you in Truth, Compassion, Faith, and Love. I will be true to you. I will honor and cherish you. We will work for each other. We will protect and support and provide all that is necessary for our sustenance, even as it becomes all human beings to do. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling--it is a decision, a judgment, a promise."

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Thanks for being a great role model for me of how to fight for your marriage over the year and how important it is to not give up.



Sheri & SuZan said...

Your parents words are full of love and wisdom. What a great model to learn from.

MommyOutOfControl said...

What a great example to follow in! My stepfather married us 20 years ago next month! He is the greatest too!

Anonymous said...

Nice post dude!