Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring Training & still soliciting camera advice

Sarah has wanted to play t-ball for the past few years. Last year was the first year she was old enough. But, I was hesitant to sign her up because I learned that t-ball is 2 nights and a Sat in our league. I don't know if that is normal for 5 and 6 year olds, but it seems a bit much. A woman at work said her DD played one year and by the end of the 6 weeks, all the kids on the team just looked too tired.

Half the season will be during school. Sarah, when she is too tired, throws alot of tantrums. As much as she wants to play, am I being fair to her and our family by letting her play. We haven't mention this to her, but we need to make a decision soon. I hate being the parent sometime.

Is this schedule normal for this age? Does our league have too much? I wonder if we could just show up 1 night and Sat and skip the extra night. I may inquire.

NOW, in other questions - Sat I posted a question about digial cameras. I'm still looking for advice:

I have wanted to buy a digital camera for a while, but since I started blogging the pull to go digital has become stronger. I'm so jealous of those who don't have to wait 5 days to post a picture.

So, I ask you this - what do you look for in a camera? What do you currently use? What do you like/hate about your current camera? What is your dream camera?

Lurkers, chime in too please!!


Anonymous said...

Well I have a Fuji camera. Love it. All depends really on what you are looking for. I guess I would tell you to go simple.. one of those point and shoot cameras and one of the small/pocket size ones.

Hey, what do I know really! :)

Timestep said...

I know. My current camera is the Pentax K1000 that I've had since college. I used to develop my own film and LOVE LOVE LOVE sports photography. Maybe I should post some of my faves. So, I want something that will react pretty quick.

Which Fuji camera do you have?

Unknown said...

I love photography, and if I had the money, I would totally buy a Nikon D70s digital SLR. But if you don't want to spend a grand or two, go for something small and simple, with lots of megapixels. Mine is an Olympus C-3020 which is very old in digital camera terms, with only 3.2 MPs, but I think you'll see from the photos on my blog it does the job. But any digital camera short of an SLR will NOT take good action shots due to the shutter delay. That's why you would spend over $1000 for either a Nikon D70 or a Canon Rebel SLR.

Kelly said...

The one thing to look for in digital is megapixles. You want something at least 4.0 or above.

I have the Canon A95 Powershot - 5.0 megapixles. I love it! I'm not familiar with Nikons, but the real digital experts out there really seem to love them. My camera was a Christmas gift, but cost about $350. I know the Canon Elphs are a little cheaper, and there is a new powershot out now that has 7.0 megapixles ( I think they did away with the old numbering A70, A80, A95).

Ask on my Mommy Board too - Cam in Canada always has excellent advice! Also, it helps to buy a camera that takes regular batteries (then use re-chargeable ones).

And as for T-ball... Brett and his Dad were complaining that the parents now are wimps because they complain that it takes too much time. Back in Brett's day, they had practice every day and sometimes even on game day! Hmmm...

Kelly said...

My God... I wrote a book didn't I! LOL