Monday, March 06, 2006

Who knew snow could be this much fun

Normally by now, I'm tired of snow. We get an average of 200 inches of snow a year. Snow removal takes front end loader and dump trucks. We also use these mega snowblowers (think front end loader sized snow blowers) [I tried to upload a picture, but blogger won't let me]. So, these mega snowblowers or front end loaders will load snow into dumptrucks to haul it away.

So, after spending months hauling snow out of the town, what would inspire the crews to haul the snow back to the streets? Creating a one night only street sledding run of course!

So, after dinner tonight we packed the kids up with the sleds and went sledding down the street of our town. As Sarah and I had just finished a run, I hear "the next person to walk up to me and say "I have achy bones" will get a gift certificate for a free massage." It didn't take me long to drag Sarah to the local radio personality to claim my prize. Sarah even got to talk on the radio (she's pretty pumped about this).

So, several runs down the street and a prize later, we took the kids home and proclaimed the evening lots of fun.

This was done in celebration of the Junior Olympics happening this week, but we really hopes it becomes an annual event.

Sorry, no pictures. I was too busy sledding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you believe we have only gone sleding once this year! Not because we dont want to ... NO SNOW!