Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Pioneer Woman, Hear me Roar!

When faced with 24-32 inches of snow (reported, not sure what we got at home but it was at least 24 inches) and a DH on travel (his plane is in the air), I found that I had to give myself a crash lesson in using one of these:

Thankfully the directions were on the snow blower itself. I figured it out, and blew enough snow yesterday afternoon for my friend to drop off my child and this morning for me to get out and the mail to get in.

WOW that thing is hard to use! I did cancel class tonight. It was unclear if DH's plane would be able to land as we are due more snow today/tonight and this week.

I could have sworn the calendar said March.

[DH seemed duly impressed that I was able to get the blower to work and even offered to let me take over the snow blowing duties on a regular basis. He offered this once before, but that time he wanted to trade breast feeding a newborn for snow blowing. I don't mind clearing snow from a roof, but not big on snow blowing.]


Kelly said...

Hee hee... snow blowing sounds really dirty! ;)

Timestep said...

Says the woman who thinks 24 inches sounds more impressive than 2 feet!

Anonymous said...

Could I just bow down to you?

Man, that's cooler than using power tools.

You rock.

Anonymous said...

Please.. I use a shovel! :P

Timestep said...

TKW, Come North to visit, we have power tools too!

Spikey, welcome back! You are a better man than I!