I discovered that I'm boring. My dress has always been conservative (owe to the fact that I never felt thin enough to wear anything too mainstream)- sweaters, button down shirts, etc. Also, I am a photographer by nature, therefore I take pictures of others. Most pictures of me were thing my friends probably have stashed in their closet. But, here are a few:

This is me and my sister in December 1987. Dana became a fashion merchandising major in college. Thanks to her, I always looked good.

Here is my group of friends in college during Spring Fest. I loved my little t-shirt dress and 2nd hand store cardigan sweater. I still miss that dress. This would have been spring 1987.

And because I love Shannon's pants (She's the one drinking). I'm not sure about the guy on the far left's choice of shorts. Without seeing his face, I think that was Brett. This was on my 21st birthday and was still one of my all-time favorite birthday's. Our annual Frisbee Golf landed on this day - we had a blast.
Shannon is still one of my closets friends and Sarah's godmother. I'm blaming her for Sarah's love of flip flops.
Did you play?
Now, I have to share my success in last night's class. Last night we held a class discussion about if we are ready to go to an openly gay military (as most NATO countries hold). The class divided into 3 groups based on their opinion: We are ready, stay with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and we need to go back to Ask and you must tell.
For 40 minutes, the class discussed this with almost no input from me. I was really impressed. I didn't have to pull teeth. When things settled down, I'd ask someone who didn't say much what they thought and the conversation would roll again.
Driving home, I wondered if it was because they understood their own opinion. I speculated if I should move this topic earlier in the semester. But, I realized quickly (and my husband echoed my thoughts) that part of the reason it worked was that they trusted each other with their personal opinions. This was a more private topic. Holding this discussion before they knew each other would not have worked as well.
As they were moving back to their normal seats, one girl said "that was a fun discussion." My professional pride beamed!
P.S. Paper's still aren't graded. Sorry Danielle - I'm just a prof with good intentions. They will have them tomorrow.
Great 80s pics!
I played!
Grading papers in highly overrated. Not that I EVER just tossed nightly spelling homework...ever. (crossing fingers)
Isn't it fabulous when you have one of those profound "Holy crap! I'm a good teacher (or at the very least facilitator)!" moments?
Shannon's pants might have been cool but those jams (did you call those shorts that?) were to die for!!
See, fashion illiterate! (oh, and definately drunk that day).
And actually, the two pictures from college were in Wisconsin!
I am so loving all that hair and the sunglasses.
You failed to point out that your Ray Bans matched your sweater in that middle one! ;)
Great post - so glad class went well too!
I played as you know!
Ah, well. Good intentions are good too :::wink:::
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